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What are the Things That Your Employer Can not Do Legally?

A bad employer might be bad for several reasons. He may be weak in his personality, or an arrogant tyrant in his command, or he may not have the necessary management skills for his company. But what about an employer who is breaking the law? All the mentioned disadvantages can be fixed, when employers look at the ten traits needed for a successful boss. Now, rules are laws, and breaking them leads to prison with stiff penalties. If you are worried about your future and your professional image. Beware the indirect ways that lead you to legal troubles later.

Things Employers Do to Break the Law:

when do employes break the law

The professional world is regulated under laws and acts that protect both parties from exploitation, blackmail, and bankruptcy. As an employee, you need to have some legal concerns for your career and study the system adopted in your Workplace. This can be before you get hired or before you apply for a job. You can avoid the jobs dangerously appealing and look for reviews and details about the company in forums and social media. But after you join the team and start feeling that things are getting wrong, here is what you should do:

Read the Contract:

Before you sign any document, please read it. Contact should be well studied and well understood. You might be excited about the job and willing to work. But, accepting all the terms and conditions without reading the contract might lead to your professional damage and a tragic ending sometimes. Take a look at a fixed-term contract and How it is Different from a Permanent Contract?

read the contract

Consult a Job Coach:

Job experts and coaches offer tips to avoid scams and illegal job offers. If you have doubts concerning some professional offers, consult a job coach. Put the job link in forums where experienced people can evaluate the situation and inform you if there are any suspicious things in the job offer.

If you obtained the job and worked for a reasonable period, then started to feel some changes, you should contact any association related to employment rights. Now, let's look at the unacceptable situations where you should take the necessary procedures to avoid illegal traps. 

Your Employer Asks You to Extract from Other's Salaries:

If your professional bonus is made out of others minuses, then all you are doing is called theft. Every employee is meant to review their balances, perks, paid leaves, and holidays. If you or any other colleague is responsible for the payment, you should be as honest as a calculator. Do not agree to any tempting robbery suggestions. Inform other managers about any cheating attempts.

Your Employer Obliges You to Work more than the Schedule :

Every employee is supposed to work a maximum of 40 hours a week, with paid holidays, medical checkups. If your employer is forcing you to work extra hours without paying them, you are a victim of exploitation and slavery. It is better to risk your job and quit in a classy way, rather than continuing your work in hectic conditions. You should also take a step against any sign of exploitation by adding extra non paid working hours, to depriving you of breaks or the lunchtime break.

Your Employer is Making Discrimination at the Workplace:

employment law that protect employees

Discrimination is not a simple pill to take. Any sign of mistreatment towards a particular nationality or religion or gender is counted as illegal behavior. You can sue your employer if there is any attack or call for discriminating against you in your Workplace. Do not pass any abuse or mistreatment and take it as a simple misunderstanding—your self-esteem matters.

Your Employer is Hiring Unqualified People:

The hiring procedures differ from one sector to another. Some employers use unfair ways to inject unqualified people inside the company. They can even grant them a quick promotion at the expense of hard workers. The UK law is against bribery or corruption at the Workplace. You can sign a petition against your employer's unfair recruitment process and save the field from ineligible people. Here is How to handle Nepotism in the Workplace Effectively

If you have faced one of these illegal treatments, it is time to resort to a professional lawyer and quit your job. Now, how should you deal with a bad employer?

You should not act as if you have never seen or heard, orelse you will be a partner in the crime. There is always a solution that will protect you as a witness for corruption and as an employee who is subject to blackmail and threats. Take a look at; 10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Boss

Do not Resort to Social Media to Expose your Manager:

Even though many victims are using social media to disclose their abusive events, this method is used to affect public concern and make the audience move towards adopting specific claims. Your employer mùight sue you later for using social media as a platform to spread hatred and why not fake news.

Have Some Legal Support:

Law is upper than everyone. Do not turn your fight with your Boss into a personal war or resort to retaliation. You should contact a lawyer who can save you your employer's hostile behavior and illegal deeds.

That was all about saving employees from their employer's pressure, exploitation, and illegal trouble. Every employee should always research the job he/ she is planning to apply for before getting into any illegal troubles later.


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