9 Tips to Nail Your Group Interview
posted:4 years agobyMarry JoJoin Interviews
Interviews always seem like a difficult task to handle, and it's okay to feel nervous. Sometimes, a company wants to fill up multiple situations at once, so it decides to go with a group interview. Many of us don't like to be a part of group interviews, but what if there is no other choice, especially in this post Coronavirus scenario. What option you have right now is to know all about the most useful tips to nail your Group Interview. Let's get started.
1.Keep Your Manners Intact
As you will become a part of a group where every candidate will be judged, It would be best if you stay careful about your manners. Words like "Hey buddy, Hey mate, etc. seem less informal, and you have to skip them. Never address your interviewers and interview in those words; it won't let you make a great impression.
Maybe you have a very fantastic story to impress your recruiter but trust me; it's not the right time and place. So, try to keep the discussion short, informative, and engaging.
You shouldn't be rude, aggressive, offensive, or only in a harmful manner. Instead, you can be helpful, understanding, humble, etc. Keep in mind, it's an interview, and you need to display your good behavior.
2. Prepare a Killer Introduction
Everyone in the group will be given a chance to introduce themselves, and it's your chance of shining like a bright star. You can't miss this great chance, so try to make your introduction as impressive as possible.
Here, you don't need to exaggerate or become a superhero. The idea is to highlight your critical skills and the best things about you.
3.Stay Focused
As it's not a face-to-face scenario, losing focus is a common thing. Tons of candidates are there, and you won't get all the attention. Even when it's true, you have to keep your focus intact. Keep reminding yourself that you are here to win a job interview. Yes, it's in a group format, but it's how you will grab attention.
4. Show Yourself
Try to stand out in the crowd through your words and involvement. However, never fake it. Some people think that it's easy to trick interviewers through some attention tricks. You won't have to create any scene there; if you do, interviewers are skilled people who can make a difference between fake and real- So, give yourself a break.
Some people don't do anything but to keep staring at the wall or smiling/nodding. That one shouldn't be you at any cost. You will have to remain engaged. Try to make some eye-contact with your fellow-candidates and interviewers. Be there. Don't lose in the crowd; it's not the way of nailing a group interview.
5.Be a Team-Player
Employers like to hire a candidate who is an excellent team player. Consider fellow candidates as team players, bring an introvert in open discussion, and get involved fully in group activities. All these methods would allow you to get attention from the interviewer and see who you are. Try not to talk over other people as it always look bad. Give everyone time to speak. You don't have to speak loud to prove how wise or talented you are. Sometimes, the idea is to sit and listen.
6. Emphasize Your Body Language
A panel of interviewers alongside tons of candidates will be there in a group interview, so you can't afford to look casual. It's the place to depict your formal side to everyone. You need to dress to impress everyone, so always go with corporate style clothing. While sitting next to someone, try not to lean forward or smile without reason. You can breathe from time to time, but try not to relax too much. Sit Straight and ensure that your casual attitude doesn't damage your formal posture.
7. Ask Questions
You need to ask some meaningful questions, and it can be related to a company or job. You can find a list of the right questions online; grab some of them. It's good to take notes and smile from time to time during an interview or group activity. You need to present a strong image where a professional tries to grasp a full understanding of the environment and show its total dedication.
8. Be on Time
Nothing can damage your professional image better than reaching a group interview after time. The good idea is to reach early and try to become familiar with fellow candidates and the environment. Going early gives you a plus point that you can become relaxed and ready at the same time. However, try not to reach too early to lose all your energy.
9. Be Inclusive
Another way to win a group interview is to showcase your leadership skills. Let everyone participate in a discussion and activity. Don't get over conscious about your voice. It would help if you asked everyone to come and join you. It's when an interviewer will witness your excellent interpersonal and communication skills.